Highlight of the year: New Publications

After a year of lows and rejections, the year ends well with a few publications! Please read and let me know what you think!

  1. Poem in Economic & Political Weekly

As the World cup came to a historic close, my poem ‘Miracles are Mirages in the Middle East’ got published.

The countdown has begun

Migrant workers

fall like leaves

from the sturdy scaffolding

they built

Read the full poem here

  1. Writer Wednesday Feature in Mid-Day

Writing prompts have proved to be very useful to my own writing. At Bound, we release writing prompts every Wednesday.

Don’t overthink: D’costa explains that often with an idea in mind, writers might require a nudge as motivation or an entry point to craft the idea out. Prompts provide the nudge. Explaining how prompts have helped her, she adds, “Don’t overthink a prompt so it’s easier to get started, it takes some of the pressure off and you can finish a piece instead of judging every line as you write.”

Read the full article here

  1. Short story in The Chakkar

Jude begins to pick at his teeth with the toothpick left behind by a guest. He sinks deeper into the guestroom’s mattress, trying to steal a few moments alone. The moment his back absorbs the mattress’s warmth, he remembers the way he used to lie down on his bed and speak to Judith, his mother. He had a habit of telling her things that he knew would upset her. And he found it deeply satisfying when she scolded him.

Read the full story here

Happy reading! Here’s a reminder to oneself to keep writing, and doing what you love to do! You never know what might work out!

Keep writing 🙂

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